about: frshery.info

a poem for small things

작은 것들을 위한 시 (BTS)

First and foremost, thanks for taking the time to check out my home base! This domain is mainly used to house my fan listing collective, heresy: the invariant network.

I’ve had frshery.info since 2011 but before that, I’ve been floating around the Internet using those free web hosting sites. At first, I was mainly a blogger, writing posts about daily life and the fandoms I loved, until I discovered the fan listing community. From there, as my list of fandoms grew, so did my list of fan sites! Eventually over time, my collective has grown into what you see today.

When I named this domain, I didn’t really have a backstory at the time as to what “frshery” even means. I wanted it to be reminiscent of the word “fresh” and then “fresher” and then it involved into the word “freshery,” but I didn’t like the way that word looked so I came up with “frshery.” I’ve debated on creating a new domain with a better name, but I just haven’t gotten around to actually deciding on one… so frshery will stay for now.

frshery.info is at its core, a hub for all the things I love–from anime, to art and writing.

It is (and I think will always be) a work in progress.

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